Welcome to Dorper Sheep Society

Dorpers and White Dorpers are Australia’s pre-eminent low maintenance meat sheep, adapted to vast range of conditions across the country. The success of the Dorper breeds in expanding the prime lamb production in Australia in barely two decades is well recognised. Dorpers and White Dorpers have also provided the genetic base for a number of new composite ‘breeds’ that seek to capitalise on the breed’s success but only Dorpers and White Dorpers have the performance and predictability, based on 80 years of breeding, to enhance the long-term profitability of the national sheep flock.

The Dorper Sheep Society of Australia inc (DSSA) was established soon after the introduction of Dorpers to Australia in 1996. Since that time the DSSA has managed and maintained a registry of pedigree and breeding information for both sires and dams, maintaining high genetic integrity.

DSSA members are supported by regular bulletins that provide direction and focus to ensure the Dorper breeds of sheep are continually increasing their performance. Through the management of a team of trained and qualified inspectors across the country the DSSA is able to assist Dorper breeders with a service that many find very useful for flock management and quality control.

Annual shows and sales are run by the DSSA, bringing Dorpers from all parts of Australia together to be judged by our quality selection of judges while showcasing the best of our breed.

Dorper – the perfect breed for the tough Australian environment
Dorper – Australia’s Preferred
Meat Sheep

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