IN A total auction clearance Burrawang Dorper and White Dorper stud rams rewrote world records on Monday when 125 head averaged $5239 at its March ram sale, Ootha, near Condobolin, selling to four states.
Fifty-five White Dorper rams sold to $26,000 and averaged $5325 while 70 Dorper rams topped at $11,500 twice and averaged $5171.
While the White Dorper average was slightly under that of last year, the Dorper average rose by $35.
The $26,000 sale-topper was the Type 5 Burrawang Dusty, weighing 118 kilograms sold the Wald family of Hamish and Penny, and Alex and Callum, Banar, southwest of Condobolin, who recently purchased the well-known Tullinga stud flock from Robin Sanderson and Anne Coffey, Condobolin.
Hamish Wald said his family were given a wonderful opportunity to purchase the Tullinga stud flock.
“Robin and Anne have put some 15 years into this stud and have left an outstanding base for us to continue,” he said.
This 20-month-old ram displayed an eye muscle depth (EMD) of 48 millimetres and in the top 10 per cent of his peer group for early post-weaning (EP) and weaning weights.
“He’s an exceptional animal, a stand-out ram,” Mr Wald said. “he has terrific growth, muscle, a deep flank and carries it all really easily.
“He will give us that big incremental step up to take our flock forward to the next level.”
The Walds also paid $13,500 for the 10 month-old 71.5kg twin ram sired by Burrawang Sire “Schooner”.
Mr Wald said that ram came from a very consistent line and the family would aim to produce good, easy care, fast growing commercial flock rams.
Banar runs the 350 ewe stud flock with another 250 ewe commercial flock and 200 Poll Hereford breeders of Wirruna blood.
Mr Sanderson will sell his young rams this coming September.
The Fiegert’s first buy was Burrawang Black Gold, a Type 5 by Burrawang Digger and from a Burrawang Michael Jackson daughter weighing 108kg. The other was a son of Burrawang Russian weighing 72.5kg at 10 months of age. Another by Burrawang Russian was purchased for $9000.
Also returning were Mark and Julie Cullinan, Kellen Holdings, Wentworth and Pooncarie, who paid the second top price of $15,000 for Burrawang Phill, a son of the 2019 National supreme champion exhibit, Burrawang Piet and from a dam holding Gert Lotter and Burrawang bloodlines. Phill weighed 114kg at 32 months.
Click here to read the full article by Mark Griggs for the Champion Post.