A Dorper ram sale at Gravesend has set an early 2025 benchmark for the breed, with a total clearance and buyers from a large area of western NSW and Queensland.
Justin and Lorroi Kirkby’s Amarula stud offered 149 rams, with a White Dorper topping at $13,000, a Dorper ram making $12,000, and an overall average of $4476. Drilling further down the averages’ detail, 97 Dorper rams averaged $4268, while 52 White Dorpers averaged $4865.
The $13,000 ram was bought by Kevin and Narelle Spears, Dusty Downs White Dorpers, and Boer Goats.
Amarula 2232456 was lambed in March 2023, sired by Nonninb McTaggart 200360 out of a Nomuula Lowie 170275 ewe. The ram had an impressive data set with four Lambplan ASBV traits in the top 10 per cent of the breed and a fifth in the top 20pc. Its weaning weight (WWT) at 100 days ranking was 9.1, PWT (225 days) 14.4, lean meat yield (LMY) 2,9 and maternal carcase production (MCP) was 143.3.