Weengallon brothers top their first dorper ram sale

THE Southern Brothers, Boonoon Dorpers, Weengallon made an impressive debut in the stud ram selling arena when they topped the Queensland Multi-vendor Dorper and White Dorper Ram and Ewe Sale in St George last Friday. Warwick, 16, Sam, 14, and Mitchell, 12, offered two Dorper rams at the sale, walking away...

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Ram lamb takes out supreme Dorper

A RAM lamb has taken out supreme exhibit Dorper at the Royal Melbourne Show. The five month-old was led by year 8 student Ben Caughey, on behalf of Hay War Memorial High School, Hay, NSW, who run the Aberline Dorper and White Dorper stud. Agriculture teacher James Caughey said the...

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School trumps in White Dorpers

A White Dorper ewe lamb bred and shown by the Hay War Memorial High School, Hay, NSW, has won supreme of the breed at the Royal Melbourne Show. The ewe was born on April 30 of this year, and already weighed 44.8kg. The school’s agriculture teacher James Caughey said the...

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Matchless ram tops at $7500

A TOTAL of 57 White Dorper rams from 10 vendors sold at auction from a 73 head offering to a top of $7500 and $2349 average during the 2017 National White Dorper sale at Dubbo on Wednesday, September 6. As well 16 of 18 White Dorper ewes topped at $1400 twice...

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Dorpers rams ave $2393

DORPER rams were in demand at the 2017 National Sale at Dubbo on Wednesday, September 6, when buyers from four states secured 68 of 72 offered topping at $11,500 and averaging $2393 effecting a 94 per cent auction clearance. Entering the Dorper breed after some years of producing stud White Dorpers, Tanya and Brad...

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Dorper sheep thrive in the out country

BRENDAN Duncan watched the Dorper National sale from home at Wentworth in between mustering sheep for marking, but was still able to see the second top-priced Dorper ram sell at $10,500 and be a co-purchaser. At Dubbo showground Annabel Mangal and Bronte Mawson of Genelink Dorpers, Nairne, South Australia, did the...

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Unique market for Dorper lamb at Pittsworth

RUNNING a handful of Dorpers is a big change from broadacre farming at Yandilla, but Charlie and Susan Uebergang have eased into it by setting up a unique market, selling straight to the customer. The Uebergangs have a small flock of just 20 ewes at “Cooleigh”, Irongate, near Pittsworth, using...

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Prime Dorper Lamb branded products on the menu

QUALITY Prime Dorper Lamb branded products are  now on the menu for North Coast consumers. The brand development initiation from the Dorper Sheep Society of Australia Inc. aims to facilitate the connection from paddock to plate, ensuring integrity and traceability of its products. Warren and Marina Wiggins, Boorabee Dorpers, Bexhill near...

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